Site Crusier

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Camping Pic

Went camping. Seen dragonflies every where... not much else to report.

Saturday 12 July 2014

Day Three Hundred and sixty Two

Post content. How is it my mind cultivates great ideas right up until I read those words. Post content. I swear I had content to post... but now it's, gone. Have a pic.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Day Two

Cellphones have come a long way in terms of cameras. Now I can take pictures anything. Including pictures of an A&W tray. Are not those little metal baskets awesome?

Saturday 5 July 2014

Day One

- Day One -

First Things First - First Camera Phone

Underside shot of Lamborghini Countach
No Speed Bumps for You
My first phone, well my first one with a camera (that's right kids phones used to only call people). I was driving around town when I seen a flash of a car in front of a older model four door, a Buick if I remember correctly. I looked at the girlfriend (now wife) and said "Holy shit, there's a car in front of that" so naturally I followed it.  When the Buick finally turned off in a direction that allowed me to stalk... er see my prey, no no, the other car. What did I find?
Shot of Lamborghini Countach Tire

Drivers side Shot of Lamborghini Countach
Only my dream car. Lamborghini Countach. Too bad I didn't have today's phone, the pictures would have been way better. :)
Engine Shot of Lamborghini Countach
Also as a side not kids - phones used to be attached to your house, you would have to sit in one spot to talk on the phone, or buy a long cord to trip over. In case you were wondering.